Saturday 5 June 2010

Kitchens, bathrooms and sheds

I have mentioned that my garden is very small. One of the consequences of having a diminutive outdoor space is that some of my wildest fantasies involve sheds and greenhouses and what I would do in them if I ever have enough room to have one. Disappointingly, there are no Carry-on Mellors style steamy windows or swoonings going on, but visions of many happy hours sowing seeds and potting on while listening to Radio 4; and generally being able to be in the garden, but sheltered from cold, wet and wind.
Nevertheless, as my husband likes to remind me, I do at least have one roof over my head. So the house has developed some shed-like features. The attic bathroom with velux window makes a fantastic greenhouse -with excellent ventilation. And the kitchen worktop doubles up as a good potting bench. I can even look out at the garden and pretend that I am in a shed.
If you also have to find indoor solutions to your shed activities, dry cleaning plastic bags make great surface protectors (they fit work surfaces and baths perfectly), and my other happy recyled solution was the leftover packaging of a bottled six pack of mineral water- carboard base and moulded plastic cover make an excellent transportable cold frame.
But I have to say I am very happy that most of my seedlings have now migrated outdoors and the spare bathroom is ready to receive guests again.

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